Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Top 200 achievements - Under Construction

  1. Top 200 achievements

    What a task? 200 achievements is a lot if you but only 24. So here is my crack at the topic without stringing it out too much…

    1. Leant to walk
    2. Learnt to run
    3. Learnt to speak
    4. Obtained my National Diploma in Public Relations
    5. Enrolled and doing my BTech in Public Relations
    6. Paying for my own studies
    7. Working full time and studying part time
    8. Worked overseas
    9. Played sport
    10. Was a sports captain at school
    11. Was a Quality Representative at school for the Discipline Community – ironic don’t you think?!
    12. Never submitted to the pressure of my peers or society to be a drinker
    13. Traveled to Scotland
    14. Traveled to Austria
    15. Traveled to Dubai
    16. Traveled to Germany
    17. Traveled to Paris
    18. Traveled to Venice
    19. Traveled to Rome
    20. Traveled to the United Kingdom
    21. Traveled to Johannesburg
    22. Traveled to Durban
    23. Traveled to Eastern Cape – actually I drove all the way there
    24. Traveled to Pretoria
    25. Traveled to Port Elizabeth
    26. Traveled to Namibia
    27. Traveled to Mozambique
    28. Met SA Cricketers Graeme Smith, Jacques Kallis, Herschelle Gibbs and Mark Boucher
    29. Met SA Rugby players, Bryan Habana and Breyton Paulse
    30. Climbed Table Mountain thrice and moan all the way up on all 3 occasions
    31. Ate sushi and survived the disillusion of the avo-looking wasabi
    32. Only broke one bone in my body and it was the smallest bone (pinkie toe)
    33. Passed all my grades at school
    34. Passed Matric with an exemption
    35. Wore my Matric Ball dress to a function two years later and surprisingly I had to have the dress taken in
    36. Bungi jumped – even though I had to be pushed off the ledge
    37. Managed to suppress my road rage everyday despite people giving me a reason to get out and do something crazy
    38. Never been in a car accident which I caused – driving into our electric gate does not count.
    39. Being a reliable friend
    40. Being a faithful partner
    41. Got stitches and survived the ridicule from my peers calling me Scar Face – kids can be so mean
    42. Survived the embarrassment of going to school in casual clothes and it wasn’t Civvies Day
    43. Managed to pass at a tertiary level despite bunking all too often
    44. Was in a Freshly Ground music video – look carefully, it’s but a brief moment of fame
    45. I have no debt
    46. Experienced going for (many) interview(s)
    47. Been a responsible member of society – been employed
    48. Never been late for work – in fact, always at least there an hour before the time I start
    49. Overcome an addiction
    50. Having a friend teach her class about my life experience to inspire good decisions by the youth
    51. Given many inspirational talks to youth, church and sport groups
    52. Always had good references from employers
    53. Organised Harley Davidson 50th Africa Asia Anniversary in Cape Town
    54. Completed the Blisters for Bread 10km – on more than one occasion
    55. Survived being held at gunpoint while the table I was serving robbed the restaurant I was waitressing at – and no…it was not because of my service
    56. Survived many long, pointless and boring meetings
    57. Volunteer my time for those less fortunate
    58. Have been given the opportunity to intern at the Children’s Hospital Trust, the fundraising arm of the Red Cross Children’s Hospital
    59. Experienced the gees of the 2010 Soccer World Cup
    60. Learnt how to blow a Vuvuzela
    61. Learnt the importance in believing that your country can host an international event
    62. Proudly South African – been abroad and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side
    63. Passed my Learners – first time round
    64. Passed my Drivers License – first time round, although I did at some point beg for another chance to try the parallel parking
    65. Learnt how to ride a tri-cycle
    66. Learnt to ride a bicycle
    67. Learnt too roller-blade – although I am not very good at it
    68. Learnt to ice skate, although its more like I learnt to shuffle on the ice
    69. Managed to lose 15kg – dreaded Heathrow Injection
    70. Opened my first account – and happy to say I haven’t gone on any mad shopping sprees
    71. Learnt how to Tweet and all the other bits and bops of the Twitter world such as hash tags etc.
    72. Learnt the new world of blogging
    73. Was a Facebook addict – but that is so last season now.
    74. Learnt how to work the backend of a website and all the other HTML stuffies that goes with it
    75. Managed to ride the wave of Indesign and win – I learnt…I did…I conquered the beast
    76. Work for an NGO and survived the highs and the lows of fundraising in today’s economic climate
    77. Managed to adhere to most of my deadlines – impressive if you know my reputation
    78. Managing the process of developing a new website for the company I work for – exciting times
    79. Obtained a library card – and managed to return all books loaned on time
    80. Did Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD – this should be a number 1 achievement, if you have ever done his exercises you will know what I mean
    81. Always managed to tip e.g. waiter, petrol attendant etc.
    82. Managed to survive in a male dominate industry with tack and whilst also being taken seriously
    83. Managed to go to gym for 6 consecutive months – winter is just such hard months to motivate myself to get out from under the covers
    84. Managed to paint my nails in a moving car…at night – can I get three gold stars for being amazing
    85. Survive the passing of my dad (RIP) – despite every bone in my body saying that it no longer wants to go on
    86. Survived putting our chow-chow, Bruno, down due to old age.
    87. Survived putting both our Rottweilers, Chip and Ringo, down due to Cancer
    88. Survived a Cancer scare when I discovered a lump
    89. Being content with my body image despite society saying anorexic is fabulous
    90. Waited to find someone who respects me – even though for many years I had to endure being the third wheel with friends or being known as the single friend. It was so worth the wait.
    91. Not entertaining gossip in office or in the circle of friends
    92. Paying the bills – on time, every time
    93. Being able to be mature enough to admit I am wrong and apologise – this is very hard for me to do – so it may take a few minutes for me to churn up the words
    94. Being able to take criticism and try and improve on what was said
    95. Managed to form my own opinion about who I am and where I want to go in life
    96. I believe in God and realise all I have is by the Grace of God
    97. Respect my elders – many of the youth today lack this today
    98. Managed to not learn how to cook – instead have an amazing boyfriend who is fantastic in the kitchen – BIG BONUS
    99. Drove on a Harley Davidson and only after 5 turns did I not resist and take the turn with the turn
    100. Being able to list 100 achievements
    101. Learnt how to Salsa
    102. Learning how to Jazz – boyfriend an amazing teacher
    103. Learnt how to fly fish – although I wasn’t really good at it
    104. Learnt the art of clubbing whole night in killer-heels and then feeling as though I want to crawl to my car
    105. Been faced with situations which compromised my morals and values in the work places and I took the high road without a thought to do otherwise
    106. Asked to be the God-Mother of my cousin’s baby – if you know me and babies, you will know this is an accomplishment of note
    107. I am a aunt of 3 kids
    108. Managed to eat half a gatbsy – I couldn’t move after that…do not try this whilst at work
    109. Bought the Allen Carr book on how to stop smoking – first steps to a healthier me
    110. Having my first press release published
    111. Buying my first cellphone
    112. Owning my first car
    113. Celebrating my 21st and being able to thank my parents for helping me get there and guiding me to be the person I am today
    114. Learning how to Harvard Reference in my BTech – how did I get through those first three years?!
    115. Eaten dog food as a bet – don’t ask me why
    116. Able to shower in less than 10 minutes – record breaking time I reckon
    117. Learnt Xhosa in grade 7 – can’t remember a thing though
    118. Learnt French – can’t remember a thing here either
    119. Maintaining long hair – I mean I should get a Nobel Peace prize for the effort – it takes me an hour to blow dry my hair
    120. I have driven a camel in the desserts of Dubai
    121. Belly danced with a professional in Dubai – I had to show her a thing or too…on a serious note, it’s harder than you think
    122. Did pole dancing – it will have every muscle aching.
    123. Driving whilst putting on my makeup – not a proud moment, there are times when there just aren’t enough hours in the day
    124. Got interviewed by Carte Blanche on the Julius Malema saga – and boy did I have a lot to say

    To be continued…watch this space...pics to come soon

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