Monday, July 19, 2010

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online.

Life online has been a bitter sweet pill to swallow, here is a list of my unexpected experiences:

  1. I thought that online information at my finger tips would save me a trip to the library, yet all it has done was give everybody an opinion about everything…an opinion that may not be qualified on the topic.

  2. The monthly bill from Telkom for the ADSL line which DOES NOT work (since last year November), even after 2 hours on the phone with the technical support team. Those dreaded 24 month contracts…aaargh!

  3. Social networks have now become more corporate networks as businesses try and bombard us with services and products. We just can’t escape the corporate talk *sigh*.

  4. Online has created a monster as more hustlers trying to scam you out of your hard earned cash. We have all experienced this at least once…You have won 10 million US dollars; please deposit 500 dollars into our account so you can get your prize – yeah right, as if I’m that gullible.

  5. Airy of dirty laundry - perhaps you hurled after one too many and within seconds the whole world knows about it, even your boss.

  6. Nothing says freedom of speech like those funny comics taking the knock at politicians when they “put their foot in it”. One wrong word or movement and we will be there within seconds to laugh about it.

  7. Withdrawal symptoms when not being able to Google, msn messenger, use Twitter, Facebook or any other online application from your computer or mobile phone. Or when you message a friend online instead of going into the next office to chat. Much of this withdrawal was experienced during the “load shedding”. When these symptoms happen, you know that you have crossed over to the dark side of internet addiction.

  8. Those dreaded online forms that freeze every time just before you get a chance to submit the information. Then you have to start all over again. Usually there is a spike in the stress levels and the Serenity Prayer gets said to prevent me from smashing the machine.

  9. An increase in guilt trips by those annoying emails saying: email to ten of your friends so to help prevent abuse against animals OR you will have a lonely life followed by a painful death.

  10. Finding a relative online that you never knew you had. Even worse…perhaps you hooked up a few times not knowing he was a distant cousin…cringe.

Now while it may seem like life has handed some unexpected lemons from being online, always remember to make lemonade (and vodka to taste) and sip on that while having a rant on one of the many online complaint sites.

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture, you make very valid points especially about good old Telkom and the withdrawl symptoms
