Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two people came out of a building and into a story

Bob the builder was a regular Joe; he got a good education, got a job, got a girlfriend, lost the girlfriend, got an even better job in the hope to lure a decent woman, finally gets married to lovely Sally and had 2 children. He is your standard family man, devoted and ever providing.

One sunny afternoon, Sally could not shake the thought that there is something that has changed in Bob the last few days. The past few weeks he has been taking calls in the other room and attending meetings that other colleagues were not aware of after hours.

With their 30th wedding anniversary around the corner and her suspicions growing, she has to fight herself from confronting Bob; her allegations would come up like verbal vomit. Unable to put her finger on the plotting and scheming of her always faithful companion, she does the unthinkable…she hires a private detective. Detective Johan is cheesy…as cheesy as they come. He listens intensely to Sally and how she perceives the situation to be – noting every detail down in his notebook which is well past its expiry date and carries the scars of ruined relationships. And with that, Johan goes sniffing on the trail that Sally leads him to. Bob seems like a decent guy, goes to work, eats the lunch that he’s loving wife packed in and conducts himself in an orderly fashion. But then finds him meeting a woman, they go into building and emerge 40 minutes later. The meeting with the same woman carries on for a few days. Each occasion Bob displays more enthusiasm and the picture of pure bliss. This situation is much to Detective Johan’s delight; he thinks of the payment of what is to come as he snaps away at his camera.

Devastated Sally can no longer distinguish truth from reality and anger starts to swell in her throat. She is overcome with disappointment and knows she has been pushed to a point of no return. Sally goes on a wild streak, vandalizing Bob’s work premises, his car, the building where he has been reported to have met this woman. Bob is confronted by Sally who is in no mood to discuss and unsuspecting Bob gets caught in the cross fire. Concerned citizens call the police and they are unable to comfort the deranged woman. Sally has caused so much chaos that she lands herself on the front page of the Son ‘Wife on vandalizing spree and tries to kill husband’. The private detective thinks he can make a quick buck and fuels the Son’s story by selling pictures of Bob and the mystery woman.

Bob has an interview with the Son and sets the story straight and informs them that he was meeting with his lawyers to discuss buying some property. He knew this will be a good investment and wanted to surprise his wife on their 30th wedding anniversary.

Moral of the story, nothing is what it seems; sometimes there are not just two sides to a story but three. Manage perceptions as these are sometimes more damaging than the action of doing wrong.

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