Thursday, June 17, 2010

Broody…the dreaded symptom

So we all reach a time in our lives that makes us feel ok with where we are at in life. We got a job…car…a roof over our head…a caring partner – not necessarily in that order of course. But we feel content. Then something very bizarre comes over us women…it’s a symptom that is indescribable…and can be as surprising to the recipient as it is to the participating team player.

If you describe a young woman as broody, you mean that she wants to have a baby and she keeps thinking about it.

I recently got told by a friend that she is obsessing about having a baby. She mentioned how her point of view on life has changed: you see yourself looking at prams, babies’ clothes, and start ooogling when you see other people with their babies. When the symptoms get real bad you start seeing babies on most of the television ads and programs – instead of the intention of the message.

Suddenly all people that you bump into, have a ‘little person’ addition to their family. The obsessing starts and what is more fearful is that the team player may not feel the same way. So it becomes a secret self-indulgence party....drummmm rollllll...and you are the host. What is going on?!?!?! That my friend…is the baby syndrome and there may be no turning back or cure.

It’s amazing how our outlook on life changes as we get older, not too long ago we are obsessing about Barbies, getting the Spice Girls CD or wearing a name brand Levi’s jeans. I suppose it is all about growing up, which for some, growing up is optional. Childbirth is an amazing thing and when the time comes round…you will be sure to know it is a blessing (not too sure about the labour pains though).

1 comment:

  1. I read broody, was interested, then saw the foot. This pic freaks me out completely. I still need to get to terms that to have kids means having them grow in your body. Is too much for me!
