Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

I would imagine with much reluctance.

I am very cautious to undertake the unknown, my safety net is something I dare venture too far from. I would want to know what is waiting for me at the bottom. Will it be a soft or hard landing? Will I get hurt or will I have a bed waiting for me like Alice in Wonderland?

Why is it that there has to be a voice confirming that everything is going to be alright? I live my life making calculated risks, if the risks seem too far fetched I do not budge an inch. So many of us have a comfort zone that keeps us safe and warm and we need the reassurance of something better or proof of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow before taking the plunge.

Whether it is leaving the job that no longer stimulates us. Or leaving your parent’s house and learning to cope on our own. To trying a product brand that your mother didn’t use while growing up but you would like to try something new? So many things in life we want to change...things we want to improve on or dreams we hope to fulfill. Dreams of a greener pasture…dreams of being a better Me. So why is the fear of the unknown or failure so crippling?

I would imagine to overcome this, it would start with a curious mind, self belief and a lot of faith. If you look at it from another angle, there could be something great waiting at the bottom. I am currently doing my BTech in Public Relations part time, something that not only tests me mentally but physically and emotionally too. Stepping off a 100-foot pole is a perfect metaphor for my studies. It is a huge leap I am taking but it the end…I am sure I will learn to fly.


  1. TRue very true! Curiousity is exactly what is needed, well more of it that is, as it stimulates our need to find out, explore & experience. You will fly at the end of your Btech.

  2. I hear you! I think btech and what it brings prepares us for a lot!
