Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Individualism vs. conformity…brainwashed?

A good friend of mine recently returned from South Korea where she taught English for a year. We talked about her experiences, the culture, the food, the people and their traditions. One thing she mentioned was that all children were taught to be the same…look the same and learn the same skills. She mentioned how a girl got sent home from school because her hair was not the required length. She then went on to say that everyone took piano lessons instead of them discovering what they were good at.

She revealed that the main aim of being taught conformity was to not discriminate or exclude anyone if they were not talented. She also said that it had remarkable affect on reducing crime by teaching them discipline. They got taught to work as a team or unit, to help each other and reach a common goal. Something she said South Africa could learn from.

It is apparent that in the westernized countries individualism is favoured. We want to be different and pride ourselves on that. What would the world be without the weird Emo’s and Goths…quite dull actually?

The question that one really has to address is…am I my true self or an image of who society wants me to be? We get bombarded by fashion, the corporate world, society, religion, family, friends, brands etc. Does Jockey briefs truly make you feel like their slogan ‘what the well dressed man is wearing this year?’

Are we being brainwashed either way?

It seems there is no escaping the information overload but having the freedom of choice, has always been an empowering aspect to me. I am very opinionated and I will tell you my take on the situation. South Africa may not have the discipline of other countries or the economy but we have freedom of speech and we will have to use this tool till the rest follows.

1 comment:

  1. Cool post. Like you said either way, you have the hippies who are ani ceratin things and live to another beat, but are they brainwashed by that beat?

    It is scary to think that in this day and age, I don't think true originalty is left, things move quickly, info, ideas, people that we really have seen it all, in one form or another.

    Standng out is hard work- but we need to .
