Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My big fat BIG dream

For some this may be an easy question, they may have their life mapped out. I find that my big fat dream changes all the time to what I need at that moment in my life.

When I was younger, all I dreamt about was being skinny, having straight hair instead of curly and being in with the “in-crowd”. Lol…yes my dreams have changed since then…my big dream now is to complete my BTech and gain experience. I dream of travelling to exotic places all around the world. I dream of having a house that is a home or maybe even drive a fancy car.

Then there are times that my big fat dream is to have a big white wedding. Although it is not a priority now, perhaps in the distant future I may wish to have a family. When I am a mother I may find financial security for my loved ones a priority. When I am 80 years, wrinkled and matured like a good wine…I may consider my health most important.

At various times in my life, my dream is to be closer to God. I dream of more profound things than my life – Martin Luther King’s words come to mind, to make this world a better place and to help those less fortunate. Most importantly, despite my age, where I am in life and what my dreams are – above all I would like to be happy and surround myself with loved ones.

So no, I would like to think that there is one big dream that I have, but I don’t – I have many all equal in priority…cause who said I can only have one big fat BIG dream.

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