Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We are afraid of the wrong things

Being afraid of something is so common, every person is afraid of at least one thing in life. I did some research and stumbled on the Phobia List ( which listed some bizarre and some real fears that people have. Some included in the list were Cnidophobia (fear of stings), Algophobia (fear of pain), Aichmophobia (fear of needles or pointed objects) Gerascophobia (fear of growing old), Pentheraphobia (fear of mother-in-law).
Come on now…who is afraid of strings? And what exactly are they afraid the string is going to do? Some of MY unnecessary fears include: fear of heights, fear of failure, fear of germs in public places (such as door handles, escalators etc.). I was rather OCD growing up and had an obsession with numbers being even and never touching someone else’s hands.

Growing up we have instilled in us a fear…a fear that eating too many sweet things will cause our teeth to rot and fall out, if we are bad that Santa won’t give us a present, the fear of the dark, the monster lurking under our bed, goblins, witches, ghosts or the famous but never really seen…bogey man. But as a parent should you be realistic with your kids and instead of warning them about fairy tales ‘bad-guys’ like the big bad wolf…warn them about gangsters, guns, corrupt police and politicians???

So, are we afraid of the wrong things? I suppose it depends on how real it is to that person and each person is different. Some fear small spaces which could result in severe anxiety while I have no problem with small spaces. I do feel that there are more serious things to worry about than the dark, strings, heights, germs, small spaces, becoming bald, the bogey man and your mother-in-law. There are things that could touch your life in a more devastating ways…things like disease, HIV AIDS, poverty, retrenchment, famine or drug abuse of a loved one – to mention but a few. Crimes by those who will not think twice to do anything necessary to get what they want and the unthinkable crimes done by those you love and trust.

Do I think my fear of heights is real? Yes. However, there is so much more to worry about in life. Things that is much more real than falling 30 stories or getting biting by the world’s most dangerous snake – I mean really...what are the odds of that happening?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, the phobia list was a good touch.
    I think everyone has a fear whether its big or small but in what is life without a fear/s.
