Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Conventional is a good fallback position, isn’t it?

You kidding right? If I thought that conventional was the next best thing since sliced bread…I would be a square, office cardboard cut-out, a conformist, predictable and conservative. All of which I am definitely not. While there are often times when we are faced with the situation where we feel as though we are at a rock and a hard place. Conventional should never be considered as the fallback option.

When one agrees mentally to just do the bare minimum or not think outside the box, you may achieve your goal but would you exceed their/your expectations. Conventional is safe approach to life; however you cannot gain great things if you do not risk great loss. Change can be a scary thing when embarking on it, but the rewards can be well worth it. So swim against the stream or rattle the cage every now and again…be extraordinary, I mean where’s the fun in being “Normal” anyway?!?!

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