Monday, September 13, 2010

How hard is it to follow instructions?

How hard it is would be dependent on how badly the person wants what you have or what you are offering. Growing up, I must admit, I was super rebellious…the more I showed I didn’t need you the better I thought I was off. You told me one thing and I did the complete opposite. I grew up (it was inevitable) and I learnt that rules aren’t there to be broken and they can be pretty useful.

I happen to think that I follow instructions quite well: I read it carefully, make sure I understand what is required of me, ask for clarification (if needed) and get down to business.

Now even though the instructions state various things, here are some reasons why it may be hard to follow them:
* How clear are the instructions?
* Life does not care about instructions. If my computer crashes it does not consider my stress levels as to when my assignment deadline is approaching.
* Sometimes technology fails us…internet doesn’t work, pc freezes, printer runs out of ink, websites bomb out etc.
* We phone to clarify the specifications, not because we don’t understand but rather because we think ‘how are we going to juggle this with everything else already on our plate’ and we are silently trying to let you know this.
* Could it be that the instructions are ambiguous?
* Often when we tackle instructions we are at our most vulnerable…hungry, tired, overworked and underpaid.
* Then there is the major question: are all of these instructions really necessary? I know a few Com Science students who may beg to differ.
* Are the instructions longer than 2 pages because it is hard to find the time to do what is required and read a manuscript of what is required to be done?
* Last but not least…life as a zombie is not ayoba…there’s not enough time in the day to work, study, eat, sleep and have some form of a social/family life.

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