Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do you think that crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

Listening to my favourite radio station, they hosted a very interesting topic on men crying and whether it is seen as a strength or weakness. Men are taught to be tough and give off the perception that they have it all together. Women on the other hand show more emotions, sometimes often erratic.

So how do I feel about crying, personally…I am quite a hard person but do have sudden bursts of tearfulness. This can happen while watching a moving movie, when frustrated and I cannot bash the person next to me, when sad or just when ever the next mood swing is due to happen.

I often feel as I have been hit by a bus after a good cry and I don’t look particularly sexy afterwards but I do sleep like a baby. I feel emotional release, sometimes we get so caught up in the pretence to the world showing them that I have it all together – that I’m the perfect child/ sister/ aunt/ cousin/ girlfriend/ friend/ student/ employee/ Christian. It can be quite daunting that when one of the balls drops from the air, I can’t help but belt out a tear.

So do I feel the same compassion for a man that cries? I can respect a man who cries over a loss of a loved one or tears of joy when their child is born. I can respect it when he sheds a tear with me when I am hurt or sad.

A man that can cry definitely is a sign of strength, it shows that he cares and that for me is the most important thing. That being said, if he cried every two seconds because something was sooooo emotional that he just had to burst into tears – I would definitely tell him to man up or get out.

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